Auto-Ordnance Commemorates President Trump in .45 ACP

Donald J. Trump, the 45th President of the United States, solidified his position as a pro-Second Amendment president in a single statement. “The Second Amendment to the Constitution is clear. The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed upon. Period.” For this reason, Kahr Arms and Auto-Ordnance have commemorated Trump in a series of themed firearms. The latest is the “Trump Save America” series of .45 ACPs, including a 1911 and Thompson “Tommy Gun.”

Auto-Ordnance Trump Commemorative .45 ACP Firearms

President Trump has fought the establishment for over six years, demonstrating unwavering support for the right to keep and bear arms. It’s one of the reasons they hate him so much. But that doesn’t dissuade his determination to save America from those who seek to destroy her.

So, it makes sense that Kahr Arms Group would commemorate him with the aptly named “Trump Save America” series. The series includes a 1911 and Thompson Model 1927 Tommy Gun. Additionally, in a nod to the 45th president, both firearms are chambered in .45 ACP.

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