George E. Goll, General Thompson’s “rifleman demonstrator”, firing a burst from the Model of 1921 before an interested audience of British officers at Camp Bisley, near London, England, during General Thompson’s European tour in the summer of 1921. Note the ejected empty cases, arcing above the gun.
An Auto-Ordnance sales representative demonstrating a military Model of 1923 Thompson for Augusto B. Leguia (hand outstretched), President of Peru, about 1923. Note the bipod, folded under the barrel.
Upon his return to the U.S. after his European tour General Thompson kept up the pace: in this famous photograph he demonstrates his Model of 1921 Thompson “trench broom” with butt stock removed, to an admiring throng at Camp Perry, Ohio, in August, 1921. Note the accessories displayed on the table, center.