Kahr Firearms Group Announces New Trump Commemoratives for 2023!

Two American Trump 45s

Greeley, PA: “The Second Amendment to the Constitution is clear. The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed upon. Period.” With this statement, Donald J. Trump, 45th President ofThe United States, reaffirmed his support for the gun rights of all Americans. President Trump continues to demonstrate his unwavering support for the right to keep and bear arms, and his determination to save America from those who seek to destroy her. Kahr Firearms group extends its gratitude to the president, by introducing the next two guns in the extremely popular line of Trump commemorative firearms. The Trump “Save America” Thompson is made from quality steel and American walnut.Detailed engravings depict President Trump, the Presidential Seal, “Save America 45th”, the American flag, Liberty Bell, and Statue of Liberty. The finish is highly durable Sniper Gray Cerakote, with black controls. All features of the 1927 model Tommy Gun are included, along with 50 round drum and 20round stick magazines.

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