New for 2023: Auto-Ordnance Cold Dead Hands 1911

Sometimes, you just gotta let anyone and everyone around you know exactly where you stand. When it comes to guns, and the all-important 2nd Amendment, no one ever said it better than the late, great Charlton Heston. “From my cold dead hands…” It became a rally cry for an entire industry, a way of life for a community. That one little statement goes so far in describing so many things about gun culture. Now the Auto-Ordnance Cold Dead Hands 1911 puts the spirit of that sentiment into a collector-grade blaster.

Auto-Ordnance Cold Dead Hands 1911

The Auto-Ordnance Cold Dead Hands 1911 commemorative pistol “warns all tyrants to tread on American liberty at their peril,” says a company release. No doubt the talented artists behind the pistol felt the same, as it serves as an incredible tribute to all things 2A!

The pistol features a coiled serpent and skull engraved on its aluminum grips. The statement “Pry it From My Cold Dead Hands,” highlights the treatment. “Shall not be infringed,” doubles down on the 2A theme. Meanwhile, a “76” circled with 13 stars emblazons the right side of the pistol.

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