“The Modern Army”: mechanized U.S. Army cavalrymen with their (overstamped) Model of 1928 Thompsons, 1938. courtesy George E. Goll
Left side view of U.S. Cavalry H.Q. Company motorcycle with front-mounted Thompson in 1938. Note crossed-sword Cavalry emblem on the cycle’s fuel tank. courtesy George E. Goll
Two wounded U.S. Army infantrymen emerge from the dense jungles of New Georgia Island in Southwest Pacific Area, and make for the beach, to be evacuated in a Higgins boat. Acme Newspictures photo and caption dated October 13, 1943
Confab of Chelsea Marines – These three Marines from Chelsea, Massachusetts, all veterans of the Guadalcanal campaign, recently ran into each other during maneuvers somewhere in the South Pacific where their outfits were preparing for new assault operations. U.S. Marine Corps photo and caption dated January, 1944