Guns and Weapons | AUTO-ORDNANCE M1 CARBINE .30
Long arm of the Law that won’t bust a budget — it’s a sub-MOA carbine! GUNS & WEAPONS FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT, May 2008, Page 38-44 and 87 By Matt Berger SEVERAL SHOOTINGS AND EVENTSin the past decade or so have served as a stark wake-up call to law enforcement. LAPD’s North Hollywood shootout has […]
THE NEW SEMI-AUTO CARBINE FROM KAHR ARMS TAKES TOMMY GUN SHOOTING OUT OF THE LUXURY SUITE. AND THERE ARE SBR AND DUMMY GUNS, TOO, WITH LOOKS THAT DELIGHT. The Thompson Submachine Gun is arguably the most recognizable submachine gun is America, even 86 years after its initial introduction! Although the Thompson is best known, aside […]
Guns | Auto Ord’s GI Gem
Auto Ord’s GI Gem Recreating the M1 Carbine GUNS MAGAZINE, June 2007, Page 40-42 By Jeff John Perhaps no other firearm has been as maligned and praised as the US M1 Carbine. It has been cursed for lack of power and praised for its reliability and ease of carry. Its .30 Carbine cartridge has been […]
Two New Thompson Custom 1911 .45ACPs
Sureshootin’ 1911s – now from the folks at Kahr Arms! COMBAT HANDGUNS, September 2005, Page 42-47 By Mike Detty At the 1999 SHOT Show, Kahr Arms announced the purchase of the Auto-Ordnance Company. I have to admit that I was dumbfounded. Kahr Arms, a relative newcomer to the firearms industry, had already firmly established themselves […]
Thompson Custom 1911
Sureshootin’ 1911s – now from the folks at Kahr Arms! On Target, April 2005, Page 32-34 By Bob & Sandy Rodgers In 1999, Kahr Arms purchased Thompson/Auto-Ordnance. Along with any physical assets included in the buyout were certain intangibles, among these, name recognition and reputation. In the case of Auto-Ordnance, it would be […]
Washington Post | Triggering Memories
At the NRA Museum, Tommy Gun Devotees Can Zero In on a Classic Style, The Washington Post, March 22, 2004 By Stephen Hunter (Washington Post Staff Writer) At 2:23 p.m. on Nov.1, 1950, news suddenly arrived at the Secret Service office in the East Wing of the White House that across the street, men were […]
S.W.A.T., Nov. 2002, Page 42-45 By Walt Rauch Looking at the new Auto-Ordnance 1911A1 I wondered if anyone needs or would want yet another “plain-Jane” 1911A1. I thought to myself I have at least a half-dozen GI 1911s and they were all cheap. I reflected that during my college years as an NRA member I […]
Yes, new and improved, thanks to Kahr Arms! Combat Handguns, Dec. 2001, Page 46-51 By Bob & Sandy Rodgers Until now, in my opinion, putting the name Auto-Ordnance and 1911 together did not indicate quality. Economy, yes; reliability with GI ball, yes; accuracy, maybe; fit and finish, no. But, as they say, that was then […]
Auto-Ordnance M1911A1 Proves Reliable and Accurate Shooter
The New GUN WEEK, July 1, 2001, Page 6-7 By Jim Dickson These days, the world is awash with target .45 autos designed for combat matches. These matches-while fun-bear no resemblance to real combat where point shooting by instinct with a gun full of rust, dust, sand, and mud is the order of the day. […]